Union County, home to legendary and popular musicians such as Chet Atkins, Roy Acuff, and Kenny Chesney; home to families with deep roots and an appreciation of the rich cultural history of the area; home to retirees from many areas of the country who have discovered the unique beauty and recreational opportunities that are in abundance; home to tourists that annually visit our parks and pristine waterways and shorelines. Located just 15 miles North of Knoxville, Union County has something for everyone with a deep emerald lake nestled in the shadows of the Appalachian Mountains, museums, historic landmarks, quaint shops, and wide-open spaces perfect for viewing wildlife or enjoying an outdoor adventure. Combined with a mild climate and the perfect location geographically located within a day’s drive of most major metropolitan cities in the Southeast, come see why so many people choose to call Union County home!

Union County Mayor
Chief Executive Officer of Union County, TN